Tuesday, April 26, 2011

4 months already?

Updating the blog is really getting tiring...so I stopped writing. Shame on me. Haha I malas! What to do mehhh.

Anyway today I just remembered I have a blog, and it's been left on the corner to rot, so I decide, why not?

So I updated! hahaha

First is happy birthday to my mom Embun Ali, and happy mother's day too. Lucky both days are in the same month. Sorry didn't buy you anything, but I will. Next month maybe. haha.

Anyway on the 30th of April is my first final paper. Best of luck (like my mom always said) to everyone who is taking the finals with me. GOOD LUCK! Study la weih.

Now I remembered. I should study~~! :((

Bye guys.

PS: My color formatting is not working today....arghhh

1 comment:

ikah_dhurti said...

hepy besday cik embun!!!heee

Stalkers?? hehee


The wallpaper used is taken from devianart. Titled WhereIsTheLove2 by PhysicalMagic. I do not make any money from this blog so don't sue me please.