Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Hey guys,

How are you. It's been years since I've been updating this. I guess I found myself being happy and found myself little need to express myself here, online. But it's been a turbulent 2015, and I feel the need to write something here, again. I guess I'll keep coming back.

In 2015:
I have experienced major losses
I have lost my mother, my aunt.
I also finally experienced love, and I lost it.
It was wonderful, it was painful, but even though it hurts I want to fall again
It thought me a lesson, and also thought me what I want in life, and what I want in men
I've discovered that I am a person with worth, and I want someone with worth to share my life with
It also thought me the formula for screening men haha
I have always considered myself unattractive, but recently I've learned that I not unattractive
I have scandalous offers, plenty of them
I am lost
Career wise, I am lost.
Spiritually, I am lost and yet I am calm in my lost ways
I am happy, but I know I can be happier
Financially, I am at lost too
No longer able to save constantly, living frugally waiting for my paycheck every month
I want to change
Healthwise, I think my body's breaking down
Lethargy, no evergy, mindfog. my feet's aching everyday, constant stomach ailments, flu every month
Gettting old I guess

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Stalkers?? hehee


The wallpaper used is taken from devianart. Titled WhereIsTheLove2 by PhysicalMagic. I do not make any money from this blog so don't sue me please.