Saturday, April 4, 2009

The police are everywhere!

I hate police. I really do. I have nothing but bad experiences with them. Proof are from my previous post and in my friendster blog. I detest them.

Imagine to my surprise when I came back to the SP town i found it overrun by them. The huge Martek PDRM near the road to Tesco are filled to the brim with them. And today at every junction in my way to CS there's at least one traffic police standing there observing the situation.

They are everywhere!

And the final straw is the FRU truck. I hate the sight of them. But it's the first time I saw them in Kedah. I mean in KL it's normal. In SP it's an abomination.

I just stared at the passing FRU truck in front of me, heading somewhere to Bukit Selambau i guess.

*Sweating *

Posters are put up everywherein the SP town. Feels like another general election. Traffic are congested at the toll plaza. Never in my experience having to queue up for so long at a toll, and having Touch n Go really doesn't help. The town are filled with cars from out of town. Filled to the brim.

Not to mention there's this notice put up forbidding students to venture out on the 7th and being involved in anything regarding the by election. Like I want to. There's really no need for such notices to be out anyway.

I wish 7th of April will go by quickly. It's too disruptive for my peace of mind.

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Stalkers?? hehee


The wallpaper used is taken from devianart. Titled WhereIsTheLove2 by PhysicalMagic. I do not make any money from this blog so don't sue me please.