Tuesday, August 12, 2008


Where have all the time go?

After going through all the motions in my mundane life I found myself stuck in a rut...and no matter how hard I struggle I'll never get out of it again...and look...year 2009 is around the corner lurking...waiting to pounce on unsuspecting onlookers.

Like me.

2009....i'm getting way older...my life is getting way out of the tracks. And i have no idea how to get it back again. How? I'm old, where all my peers are set in life I still have no purpose in life. What is my purpose? Am I supposed to grow old and die without achieving anything in life? Cause that's where i'll end up...if i can't change myself, now, right now.

But you know what? I can't be bothered.

That's the problem with me.

And that's the damocles sword hanging above my sister. My "can't be bothered with anything" attitude just drove her up the walls.

But i also have to mention that anything...no matter how minuscule ...will bother her. Her emotional state is "PMS" 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Her emotional yo-yo is to much for me to handle, and it's the caring too much attitude that's way opposite of me really pissed me off.

What can I say.

She annoys me, but I love her. She's my family. And I hope she'll get married soon. At least her emotional ups and down will be controlled. I hope. Or i could just hope she'll unleash all her emotional storm on her spouse instead of poor me.

Heck...I'm feeling down.

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Stalkers?? hehee


The wallpaper used is taken from devianart. Titled WhereIsTheLove2 by PhysicalMagic. I do not make any money from this blog so don't sue me please.