Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Wildlife day?

Today as usual I'm driving all around town...after all I'm the Pak Supir. After that my mom and I went back to kampung. There on the old sofa we place outside of the main door, lie an egg. No, no one placed it of the sofa. Apparently the neighbor's hen thinks it's funny to breed on our sofa.

Anyway the good thing is we will eat omelette tonight. :D

But the main event of today is not the discovery of the fresh egg. No. It's the discovery of a snake! My mom opened the door to get her shoes when she found the snake wriggling on the road in front of the house. Since she has a massive phobia of snakes (I'm serious, she's seriously hates snakes), she froze on the spot and start yelling, "Ular!!!!".

I ran and looked at the snake. It's slim, about 17 inches long, greyish black, and shiny and slimy looking. It's moving slowly towards the oppposite house. My aunt took a peek, and she expertly identified it as a Ular Tedung Senduk! Or King Cobra / Monocle Cobra.

pictures courtesy to wikipedia.(didn't snap a picture because I was too busy running around)

What? A real life cobra? A real life deadly venomous snake? A snake with a neuro toxin so deadly that you can die because of respiratory failure? I looked at my auntie. She seems sure.

We ran to find something to hit that snake and my auntie just kept hitting and hitting that snake. It became mad and raised it's head. TADA! It's head expanded, and it's hissing madly. That's when I am dead sure it's a cobra.

My auntie killed it and threw the corpse in the nearby bushes.

And today another snake left the world.

p.s: oh, by the way, I will be in KL this sunday. Teeheee

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Stalkers?? hehee


The wallpaper used is taken from devianart. Titled WhereIsTheLove2 by PhysicalMagic. I do not make any money from this blog so don't sue me please.